Naya Diganta

Huawei CEO coming on facebook live Monday

Ren Zhengfei, Founder and CEO of Huawei will come on Facebook Live to discuss the contemporary crisis of Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology solutions provider, on Monday.

The duration of the live discussion will be more than one and a half hour where he will answer the questions of two prominent thinkers; one is author, and venture capitalist George Gilder and the other is co-founder of the MIT Media Lab Professor Nicholas Negroponte.

The Facebook live program will begin at 12 pm at Huawei headquarter in Shenzhen of China. In that live program, he will clarify the misconceptions about Huawei’s recent crisis and explain his stance to the world.

The program will be telecast live on Huawei Bangladesh Facebook Page ( and Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) ltd. page.